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Spuitbus RAL colours

RAL! Where is it from? What does it actually mean? What can you do with it? Why would I choose this? A number of questions that cross many people’s minds the moment they encounter these 3 capital letters! In this blog article we answer all these questions.

The history of RAL

The abbreviation RAL stands for “Reichsausschuss für Lieferbedingungen”. Translated literally to English, this means “National Committee for Delivery and Quality Control”.

In 1927, Germany established a quality and delivery conditions certification mark called “RAL”. This RAL certification mark standardized recipes for color tones, ensuring that everyone could obtain the same color and quality associated with a specific number. Initially, 40 colors were assigned a number, thus creating what is now known as a RAL code.

What is a RAL color in spray cans?

A RAL color is a color standardized by the RAL Institute in Germany. The RAL system is widely used in Europe and offers a very wide range of colours.

How do I choose a RAL color?

How can I choose a RAL color? There are different ways to choose a RAL color. You can consult a color chart to select the color that best suits your needs. You can also specify a color code if you are already familiar with the RAL color you want to use.

Are RAL colors recognized worldwide?

Yes, RAL colors are recognized worldwide. Although RAL colors are mainly popular in Europe, they are recognized and used worldwide in various industries. There are also other color systems that are more popular in other parts of the world, such as the Pantone system in North America.

How many RAL numbers are there?

There are now a lot more than 40 RAL numbers! The total number of RAL colors now stands at 2528 numbers, but this also includes a number of Effect colours, gloss levels and other types. If we look at the Classic RAL colors, there are approximately 270 colors.

How do I recognize a RAL code?

These colors are divided into 9 categories. Based on the first number you can know which color shade it contains.
(yellow): RAL 1xxx: RAL 1000 green beige – RAL 1037 sunshine yellow
(orange): RAL 2xxx: RAL 2000 yellow-orange – RAL 2013 pearly orange
(red): RAL 3xxx: RAL 3000 fire red – RAL 3033 pearl light red
(violet): RAL 4xxx: RAL 4001 red lilac – RAL 4012 pearly light violet
(blue): RAL 5xxx: RAL 5000 purple blue – RAL 5026 pearl night blue
(green): RAL 6xxx: RAL 6000 patina green – RAL 6038 brilliant green
(grey): RAL 7xxx: RAL 7000 fur gray – RAL 7048 pearl mouse gray
(brown): RAL 8xxx: RAL 8000 green brown – RAL 8029 pearl copper
(white/black): RAL 9xxx: RAL 9001 cream white – RAL 9023 pearl dark gray
Now that we know what it stands for, where it comes from and what it means, let’s move on to the next point.

Why should I choose BELTON RAL?

The benefits of RAL are of course not up for debate. Regardless of which hardware store you enter, there is a good chance that they work with RAL numbers. But how can we actually guarantee the quality of the paint? We do this at Spuitbuskopen.nl by choosing Belton. Belton is originally a brand of Peter Kwasny GmbH. A German aerosol can supplier that has been serving the market for more than 60 years with top quality aerosol cans filled with A-quality paint.
This combination ensures that you can be sure that you will receive a fresh, top-quality RAL color in a fantastic spray can via Spuitbuskopen.nl!
Have you become enthusiastic after reading this blog article about RAL and would you like to know which colors we have in our range? Then check our Belton RAL colors or the overview below.
324299 Blanke Lak Hoogglans
324298 Blanke Lak Mat
324002 RAL 1001 Beige
324003 RAL 1002 Sandgelb
324199 RAL 1003 Signalgelb
324005 RAL 1004 Goldgelb
324007 RAL 1006 Maisgelb
324008 RAL 1007 Narzissengelb
324009 RAL 1011 Braunbeige
324010 RAL 1012 Zitronengelb
324011 RAL 1013 Perlweiss
324012 RAL 1014 Elfenbein
324013 RAL 1015 Hellelfenbein
324200 RAL 1016 Schwefelgelb
324015 RAL 1017 Safrangelb
324016 RAL 1018 Zinkgelb
324017 RAL 1019 Graubeige
324019 RAL 1021 Rapsgelb
324020 RAL 1023 Verkehrsgelb
324024 RAL 1028 Melonengelb
324025 RAL 1032 Ginstergelb
324026 RAL 1033 Dahliengelb
324028 RAL 2000 Gelborange
324029 RAL 2001 Rotorange
324030 RAL 2002 Blutorange
324031 RAL 2003 Pastellorange
324032 RAL 2004 Reinorange
324035 RAL 2008 Hellrotorange
324036 RAL 2009 Verkehrsorange
324202 RAL 2010 Signalorange
324038 RAL 2011 Tieforange
324040 RAL 3000 Feuerrot Hoogglans
324301 RAL 3000 Feuerrot  Zijdeglans
324401 RAL 3000 Feuerrot Mat
324041 RAL 3001 Signalrot
324042 RAL 3002 Karminrot
324043 RAL 3003 Rubinrot
324044 RAL 3004 Purpurrot
324045 RAL 3005 Weinrot
324203 RAL 3007 Schwarzrot
324047 RAL 3009 Oxidrot
324049 RAL 3012 Beigerot
324050 RAL 3013 Tomatenrot
324051 RAL 3014 Altrosa
324052 RAL 3015 Hellrosa
324053 RAL 3016 Korallenrot
324056 RAL 3020 Verkehrsrot
324060 RAL 3027 Himbeerrot
324062 RAL 4001 Rotlila
324064 RAL 4003 Erikaviolett
324065 RAL 4004 Bordeauxviolett
324066 RAL 4005 Blaulila
324067 RAL 4006 Verkehrspurpur
324068 RAL 4007 Purpur Violett
324069 RAL 4008 Signalviolett
324204 RAL 4010 Telekom Magenta
324205 RAL 5000 Violettblau
324073 RAL 5001 Gruenblau
324074 RAL 5002 Ultramarinblau
324075 RAL 5003 Saphirblau
324076 RAL 5004 Schwarzblau
324206 RAL 5005 Signalblau
324078 RAL 5007 Brillantblau
324080 RAL 5009 Azurblau
324081 RAL 5010 Enzianblau Hoogglans
324305 RAL 5010 Enzianblau  Zijdeglans
324405 RAL 5010 Enzianblau Mat 
324082 RAL 5011 Stahlblau
324083 RAL 5012 Lichtblau
324084 RAL 5013 Kobaltblau
324085 RAL 5014 Taubenblau
324086 RAL 5015 Himmelblau
324307 RAL 5015 Himmelblau 
324087 RAL 5017 Verkehrsblau
324088 RAL 5018 Tuerkisblau
324089 RAL 5019 Capriblau
324090 RAL 5020 Ozeanblau
324091 RAL 5021 Wasserblau
324092 RAL 5022 Nachtblau
324094 RAL 5024 Pastellblau
324095 RAL 6000 Patinagruen
324096 RAL 6001 Smaragdgruen
324097 RAL 6002 Laubgruen
324098 RAL 6003 Olivgruen
324099 RAL 6004 Blaugruen
324100 RAL 6005 Moosgruen
324101 RAL 6006 Grauoliv
324102 RAL 6007 Flaschengruen
324104 RAL 6009 Tannengruen
324105 RAL 6010 Grasgruen
324106 RAL 6011 Resedagruen Hoogglans
324308 RAL 6011 Resedagruen  Zijdeglans
324408 RAL 6011 Resedagruen Mat
324107 RAL 6012 Schwarzgruen
324108 RAL 6013 Schilfgruen
324109 RAL 6014 Gelboliv
324111 RAL 6016 Tuerkisgruen
324112 RAL 6017 Maigruen
324113 RAL 6018 Gelbgruen
324114 RAL 6019 Weissgruen
324115 RAL 6020 Chromoxidgruen
324116 RAL 6021 Blassgruen
324118 RAL 6024 Verkehrsgruen
324119 RAL 6025 Farngruen
324120 RAL 6026 Opalgruen
324121 RAL 6027 Lichtgruen
324122 RAL 6028 Kieferngruen
324123 RAL 6029 Minzgruen
324207 RAL 6032 Signalgruen
324125 RAL 6033 Minttuerkis
324126 RAL 6034 Pastelltuerkis
324127 RAL 7000 Fehgrau
324128 RAL 7001 Silbergrau
324130 RAL 7003 Moosgrau
324208 RAL 7004 Signalgrau
324209 RAL 7005 Mausgrau
324133 RAL 7006 Beigegrau
324137 RAL 7011 Eisengrau
324210 RAL 7012 Basaltgrau
324140 RAL 7015 Schiefergrau 
324141 RAL 7016 Anthrazitgrau Hoogglans
324313 RAL 7016 Anthrazitgrau  Zijdeglans
324417 RAL 7016 Anthrazitgrau Mat
324142 RAL 7021 Schwarzgrau
324143 RAL 7022 Umbragrau
324314 RAL 7022 Umbragrau 
324144 RAL 7023 Betongrau
324145 RAL 7024 Graphitgrau
324146 RAL 7026 Granitgrau
324147 RAL 7030 Steingrau
324148 RAL 7031 Blaugrau
324149 RAL 7032 Kieselgrau
324151 RAL 7034 Gelbgrau
324152 RAL 7035 Lichtgrau Hoogglans
324309 RAL 7035 Lichtgrau  Zijdeglans
324409 RAL 7035 Lichtgrau  Mat
324153 RAL 7036 Platingrau
324154 RAL 7037 Staubgrau
324155 RAL 7038 Achatgrau
324156 RAL 7039 Quarzgrau
324157 RAL 7040 Fenstergrau
324158 RAL 7042 Verkehrsgrau A
324159 RAL 7043 Verkehrsgrau B
324160 RAL 7044 Seidengrau
324212 RAL 7045 Telekom Grau
324161 RAL 7046 Telegrau 2
324165 RAL 8001 Ockerbraun
324166 RAL 8002 Signalbraun
324167 RAL 8003 Lehmbraun
324168 RAL 8004 Kupferbraun
324169 RAL 8007 Rehbraun
324171 RAL 8011 Nussbraun
324172 RAL 8012 Rotbraun
324173 RAL 8014 Sepiabraun
324174 RAL 8015 Kastanienbraun
324175 RAL 8016 Mahagonibraun
324176 RAL 8017 Schokoladebraun
324410 RAL 8017 Schokoladebraun 
324177 RAL 8019 Graubraun
324179 RAL 8023 Orangebraun
324180 RAL 8024 Beigebraun
324181 RAL 8025 Blassbraun
324182 RAL 8028 Terrabraun
324183 RAL 9001 Cremeweiss
324184 RAL 9002 Grauweiss
324213 RAL 9003 Signalweiss
324186 RAL 9004 Signalschwarz
324187 RAL 9005 Tiefschwarz Hoogglans
324311 RAL 9005 Tiefschwarz  Zijdeglans
324411 RAL 9005 Tiefschwarz Mat
324188 RAL 9006 Weissaluminium
324214 RAL 9007 Graualuminium
324190 RAL 9010 Reinweiss Hoogglans
324312 RAL 9010 Reinweiss  Zijdeglans
324412 RAL 9010 Reinweiss Mat
324191 RAL 9011 Graphitschwarz
324192 RAL 9016 Verkehrsweiss
324193 RAL 9017 Verkehrsschwarz
324194 RAL 9018 Papyrusweiss